10 de marzo de 2017


A man trapped a 53 years old lady because she was easy to catch. He kidnapped her and made her stay in an old nursing home. She believed she was a kid and she was found with a toy in her left hand and saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth.
"I had been attacked, attacked by a man sexually," she tells us, lying in her bed and fully dressed in high-heeled boots, with other clothing and shoes mixed in with her sheets. "I was cornered between a closet and a bathroom, me with one arm. ... I couldn't breathe."
Occasionally, as she recounts her story, she closes her eyes and looks as if she is falling asleep. Then she's suddenly alert again. She's proud of her reputation for being feisty and difficult -- she says she's always being told she complains too much. She recites -- correctly -- the phone number for the state hotline where nursing home residents can lodge their grievances.
It could be tempting to dismiss her story as drug-induced hallucinations or the confusion of a stroke survivor. Police might find her the very definition of an unreliable witness. But she is adamant she is telling the truth.
It took her about two weeks to summon the courage to report what happened. She uses the word violated.
"I was embarrassed. I thought, 'I need to tell someone,' but I was afraid no one would believe me."
She was right. At first, no one did.
The woman told police that the director of nursing at the Brian Center Health & Rehabilitation, Gail Robertson, reacted to the story with disbelief. She told the resident "to go live under a bridge, because nothing like that happened" in her facility, the woman recalled.

  • Lucía Forero and María García

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