2 de junio de 2017


Gernika suffered a cruel bombing in April 1937, but no one painted there any picture, neither Picasso was there.

Now it turns out that Guernica has history, and that story has precise dates, names and places. Genoveva Tusell has been in charge of remembering all that swarm of ravenous scavengers who have spent years playing with half truths about the painting that Picasso painted in 1937.

Tusell has written a book (The Guernica recovered, Cathedra) based on an exhaustive documentation on a subject in which had much to do with his father, Javier Tusell, one of the great responsible for that the picture came to Spain.
Guernica can not go back to where it was not before. Gernika suffered in April 1937 a cruel, experimental and militarily unnecessary bombardment. But no one painted any picture there, nor was Picasso there. To say that the painting has to "return" to Euskadi or to the martyr villa is not only proper to an ignorant but to a malicious ignorant. Because his fate was clear to those who commissioned the work and who painted it.

  • Ainhoa Peregrín and Pablo Miranda

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